Gems of December 24"
Hopefully I get back to the habit after a trip to Asia.
Arch Linux
Manage Pacmans mirror list
Archlinux package manager Pacman stores a list of mirrors from which the packages are loaded. This list is located in /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
. Reflector is a tool to manage this list. When I’m in Switzerland I want to use Swiss mirrors, https only and sorted by the download rate, so I update the list as follows:
reflector --country Switzerland --age 12 --protocol https --sort rate --download-timeout 10 --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Visual Studio Code: Editor Git Blame decoration
In September I wrote about a VS Code extension called “Better Git Blame”. This extension shows the git blame information in the editor per line. With version 1.96 of VS Code, this feature is now built-in. You can enable it with the setting "git.blame.editorDecoration.enabled": true
in your settings json.